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Cold Brew

Cold brew is a method true to its name. You use cold, or room temperature water to extract coffee. Using cold water means that you need a lot of contact time. 12-24 hours. The resulting brew is smooth and strong, and keeps in your fridge for a week. This recipe makes just under a liter of cold brew, or about 7 4oz servings. The serving size is small because we recommend diluting this cold brew prior to drinking.

This recipe looks a little different from our other brew guides because we don't recommend a specific brewer. Our cold brew starter kit makes it easy, but you may be surprised to find that you already have everything you need at home to start making cold brew.

Recommended Coffee to Water Ratio
1:4 (STRONG concentrate!)

What you'll need

  • Something to brew in, such as a large mason jar, french press or carafe.
  • Fresh coffee, very coarse grind (250g / a little over half a pound)
  • Scale
  • Clock (or timer) 
  • Room temperature water (1000g / 1 liter)


Any vessel with a cover will work as our brewer here—like a juice carafe or even a french press that you don't mind being out of commission for 12 hours.

Prepare for the brew by grinding your coffee very coarse, using the most coarse or second to the coarsest setting on most grinders. 



  1. Add the coffee grounds to the bottom of your vessel. Add all of the water & stir. 
  2. Cover vessel and place in fridge or on counter. 
  3. Let sit for 12 hours at room temperature, or 14+ if brewing in the fridge. 
  4. Filter coffee using a paper filter or tight metal sieve. The resulting brew is a concentrate. Dilate with water and ice to taste and enjoy! We recommend starting with a 1:2 concentrate to water ratio then diluting more to taste, up to a 1:4 ratio. 
  5. Store remaining concentrate in fridge for up to 7 days. 

Pro Tips:

  • Use cold brew concentrate for making iced lattes at home by adding your cold brew directly to cold milk with a 1:2 coffee to milk ratio. 
  • Halve this recipe to brew in a 1 liter mason jar - 1/4 lb of coffee with half a liter of water will fit nicely. Once you decant and filter your coffee, the same mason jar can be used for storage in your fridge. 
  • For an even more comprehensive home cold brew experience, try out the Hario Mizudashi or Toddy Cold Brew System.