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Zoom Ethiopia Mulish Single Origin Espresso | Ethiopia Coffee | Ethiopia Espresso | Guji Coffee | Guji Espresso | Tastes like masala chai, cherry, sweet lime | Equator Coffees
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Zoom Ethiopia Mulish Single Origin Espresso | Ethiopia Coffee | Ethiopia Espresso | Guji Coffee | Guji Espresso | 2lb Bag of Whole Espresso Beans | Equator Coffees
Zoom Ethiopia Mulish Single Origin Espresso

Ethiopia Mulish Single Origin Espresso

This single origin espresso was produced in Southern Ethiopia by Faysel Abdosh and processed at the Mulish Washing Station, well established as one of the finest in the Guji Zone.

With its silky & sweet flavors of cherry & masala chai, we quickly knew this single origin coffee would truly flourish in espresso form.

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Flavor Profile

  • Origin

    Guji, Ethiopia

  • Tasting Notes

    Silky and sweet with flavors of masala chai, cherry, and sweet lime.

  • Roast Level

    Light Med Lt Med Med Dark Dark

Origin Story

Faysel Abdosh

The Mulish washing station, located 40 km away from Shakiso town in Southern Ethiopia, is well established as one of the best in the Guji Zone. Set on a slope leading down to the Mormora river, the washing station sits on four hectares of land. Before Mulish was built, coffee farmers in the area had to make long, arduous trips to deliver their coffee cherries to washing stations, but after recognizing the potential of the growing communities in the area and the need for centrally located washing stations, Faysel Abdosh and Testi Coffee purchased the facility and took over its management.

Faysel comes from a family of coffee growers, and in 2009, he founded Testi Trading, a family owned company rooted in Ethiopia with a mission to identify smallholder farmers who produce amazing coffee, and provide them with market access and training so they are fairly compensated for their hard work and realize their land’s potential.


5,900-6,400 feet





Why We Love This Coffee

The heritage of the Arabica coffee that populates farms throughout the world can be traced back to a small number of trees from Ethiopia, where Arabica is native to and where many Landrace varieties exist. Consequently, the trees cultivated outside of Ethiopia have little genetic diversity relative to Ethiopia coffees. This is one of the reasons why coffees from Ethiopia are considered to be some of the best and most complex in the world.

When roasting coffees that are to be brewed as espresso, oftentimes we will take a ‘low and slow’ approach to the roast profile. Moderate heat is applied to achieve a longer roast, mellowing out the flavors and acidity and yielding a sweeter and more balanced espresso. We feel that this coffee’s silky body, and sweet and spicy flavor profile are perfectly suited for espresso - it has the balance and complexity to stand alone, but also has the intensity and richness that pairs well with milk.

While there are many variables that contribute to dialing in espresso, here are the parameters that have been yielding the best results in our lab:

1:2.25 coffee to water ratio in 27 seconds.

Good Coffee, Better Planet

Faysel is a strong believer in working with farming communities and growing together. This has meant working with the regional government and getting electricity lines running to farmers’ homes. Testi Coffee has also invested in building a school for the community’s children in the area.

In addition, the washing station shares profits with the farming community, providing an incentive for producers to continue to improve the quality of their coffee. Since each community’s lots are processed separately, shared profits go to the specific community that the coffee came from.


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